Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Meet Baby "Lumpy"

The whole 3-D thing is cool in concept, and makes the baby look more real, but it's also a little freaky...

We were 13 weeks 5 days when these were taken, and are 14 wks today--hooray for the 2nd trimester!! This one is baby's profile, you can just see the tiny nose and mouth (which baby kept opening and closing during the scan).


Maren said...

Awww! Baby Lumpy is adorable! So teeny tiny too! I'll give you 5 bux if you actually name it "Lump". Kidding... You two do good work!

Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

You never told me you had a blog! Nor did you tell me you uploaded your photos online *sniff*. They're awesome! I don't know Shawnette...I may be leaning towards a boy...