Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Over the water and through the trees... Grandmother's lake we go (or went, rather). Last weekend we packed up the car, again, and headed to Port Angeles (yes, the "big city" in Twilight) to spend to very busy days at Troys parents' lake cabin. Actually, the cabin is outside PA (Lake Sutherland) but only by about 20 minutes. We were leary about making the trek, as the drive to California last month kinda ruined Kiera's great tolerance for her carseat, but we were determined to make it. So we headed out early Sat morning for the Seattle ferry terminal. Normally we skip the ferry in favor of driving around Puget Sound--it's about the same amount of time and costs less as the ferry has gotten ridiculously expensive in recent years. This time we figured the less car time for Kiera the better and it's always a thrill for the kids (and me) anyway. It was well worth the added expense. We had a gorgeous view of Seattle and the sound, and we were able to enjoy breakfast on the go on board, which saved us some time getting out of the house. Kiera was able to nurse and relax in relative comfort, and the kids go to take turns going out on deck with Dad. It worked out so well in fact that Kiera slept the remaining 1.5 hrs to the cabin and arrived perky and refreshed (after a stop at Mom's Diner, that is).

The kids headed straight upstairs to the game closet when we arrived, and remained there for some time. The cabin is a wonderland for kids (and me). It's an adorable little A-frame, and just enough space added on through the years to not be cramped when the whole family tramps out for the summer get-together. The upstairs is kid-heaven with a loft, game closet (with the accumulated booty of years of Grandma buying new junk-Troy even found an activity book from his childood up there), and bedroom with it's own little deck. The cabin is right on the water, with a deck and its own dock complete with a small boat that is always the highlight of our weekends there for the kiddos-though with Grandma on board they could travel faster walking. She's a TAD cautious.
Morgan decided to tie up Uncle Jack, the "Pirate guy."

Troy and I spent a lot of time at the cabin during our college summers. It holds many fond memories of our fledlging relationship and we love watching our children enjoying it. It's especially cool for Troy as he was a boy there-though he's much less enclined to hop into the sometimes frigid water nowadays. For me it brings memories of my days spent at MY grandma's cabin-a place I won't get to share with the kids except through stories.

The lake is beautiful, small but very deep. I didn't think I would be able to talk Garrett into it, but with a lifejacket and some coaxing (and nearly drowning me trying to hold himself up), he did it! And declared (As he hung on for dear life), "this is really fun!" Morgan threw herself at me without a moment's hesitation (which I'd expected, she has no sense of fear), only to be smacked in the face with the wake of an overzealous passing watercraft. This scared the holy begeebies out of her and prompted her to attempt using me as a ladder to climb back OUT of the lake, but I was able to get her relaxed and convinced to stay. We three paddled around on an air mattress for quite awhile, until Mommy deemed young lips too purple to remain (and older legs to tired to continue-I don't have the stamina for swimming I once did. I miss Hawaii).

Kiera was a hit, of course, and very well-behaved. As she loves nothing more than being held (facing out), and there were an endless supply of arms to hold her, she was the picture of contentment without Mommy being completely worn out. I was even able to help make breakfast for everyone Sunday morning.
Kiera dozing with Aunt Peg out on the deck:

The drive home was not as easy as the drive out, in fact we only made it to Sequim (~1/2 hr) before we had to stop as Kiera hadn't stopped crying. We made the best of it by grabbing dinner, but due to prolonged bathroom issues with the kids we missed the ferry we'd been aiming for and were pretty late getting home. The upside of a late ferry though is that we had a phenominal view of Seattle all lit up. I love city skylines at night (though Seattle could never compete with Honolulu it's still pretty awesome). And while it was a fun weekend, we are very much looking forward to the coming one and staying close to home.

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