Thursday, October 8, 2009

For you, Reina

It has been brought to my attention that the blog is seriously lacking in photos of my adorable offspring. Call it third child syndrome (though in the digital age it isn't due to a lack of pictures, but rather a lack of DOING anything with them...I'll make it up to her). In an attempt to rectify this oversight, I bring you these:
All dressed up for her 3 month pictures. I was trying to get a good smile out of her since we only got one during the actual shoot.
Canoodling on the couch
She does this all the time, anytime she's in a good mood and someone makes eye contact (she made some lady in an elevator's day today)--my sister calls it "the face." She smiles so hard she'll knock herself over once she can sit up. Since this was a month ago and she's had more practice, she does it even bigger. Her noses scrunches all up. It's awesome.

I took a bunch of pics of Morgan in the backyard when the hydrangeas were blooming and Garrett kept cutting them and bringing them to us. This obviously is not a photo of hydrangeas, but I liked it anyway.
Storytime! Ignore the ugly wall-Morgan discovered (via a teensy chip in the paint) that the wall had once been pink. She loves pink. And she can accomplish a lot of paint-peeling when her parents think she's napping. And no, she didn't eat it--it was all in a pile under her bed, actually.

1 comment:

Raina said...

Hooray for pictures!!! I had a little outfit like Kiera's blue one when I was a babe, except mine was pink. Same gatehred stich look and all.

And i bet you totally would have forgot to mention the paint peeling bit without posting a picture. Thanks for humoring me! Kiera is SO adorable, i will have to meet her in person soon.