Saturday, January 30, 2010

Random things....

  • Garrett can read. He started learning in October, and is now probably at a 2nd grade level.
  • Morgan wears dancing clothes all the time-even if she's freezing. When we watched the US figure skating championships, she donned her dancing clothes, grabbed a baby doll (it was the partners'), and spent about an hour "icing" around the living room. "But Mommy, we can't really skate because there's no ice in our living room."
  • Yesterday on the way home from the zoo, Kiera started laughing. Hysterically. She laughed the whole rest of the way home, about 15 minutes. I have no idea why.
  • I have rose bushes and climbing vines waiting to be planted. They've been waiting for 3 years.
  • It's raining.
  • I am having a difficult time not obsessively over-planning our upcoming Disneyland trip. At least I don't write daily schedules anymore.
  • Troy is working today, and it's Saturday. That stinks.
  • Kiera just woke up and she's only been asleep 1/2 hour. That also stinks.
  • Last night we had beans and cornbread for dinner. One of my top 5 favorite meals, and costs less than $5 to make.
  • Last night I dreamt that I ate a plate of spaghetti (not gluten-free), and when I realized what I had done, I got really scared. This is wierd because we've been gluten-free for so long I don't even think about it that much-and I never accidentally eat something with wheat in it.
  • Kiera will turn 8 months while we're in CA-that makes me a little sad. Like she'll officially be a big baby instead of a little baby.
  • Last night when I asked Morgan what she would like to do while the boys played Mario Bros, she immediately said, "Go upstairs and watch a movie with you and eat popcorn." So we did.
  • I need to get to Costco and buy a couple grafted fruit trees before they are all gone.
  • I also need to send in the rebates for our new cell phones.
  • I might get to attend a homebirth in early March, if the mom is willing to wait for me to get back from DLand.
  • Eucalyptus oil, diluted in olive oil, is the best cough supressant I've found.
  • Troy overcame enormous odds to earn a bonus for his January performance at work.
  • I have a new chocolate pie recipe that's super easy, not too unhealthy, and incredibley yummy. I may need to make it tonight.
  • Garrett is fantastic at taking care of Kiera, and she loves it when he does. I have to remind myself he's only 6 and not leave her entirely in his care, as much as he wants me to. Right now he's helping her try to go back to sleep. Oh, wait, nope-they're in there playing. Oh well, they're both happy. He says she wants to get up and watch the movie with him. She has a huge smile, which I take to mean she agrees.
  • Garlic has been shown in studies to be as potent an antibiotic as many perscriptions types.

That's all.


Jenne said...

Where's the like button?

Raina said...

Wow, those really were random! I ahev been "craving" DL lately but i think we are still another 2 years off ...