Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Summary of Recent Events

  • Garrett's arm was broken at school. He spent 6 weeks in 3 different casts, and is now finally fiberglass-free. He (and we) is very happy.
  • We have doubled our rat population-a family at school needed to rehome theirs, as they had discovered their son was allergic. So their two girls (and their giant ratty skyscraper) came to live with our two girls. It has been very interesting watching them establish a pecking order (unfortunately Emily Dickinson-so named for her shy, homebody nature-my personal sweetheart, has landed on the bottom of the totem pole--she will be getting some special attention). They are all very sweet and well behaved, and after we've had some more time to train them they will be great pocket pets.
  • Kiera has realized she can stand alone. She is THRILLED, but nervous about it. As soon as she shakes her jitters, I am sure she will take off walking. Here's hoping she stays nervous for awhile.
  • Kiera was 11 months old yesterday. Yikes.
  • Morgan has adopted a super-hero princess persona. This requires the wearing of pretty gowns AND capes. A biproduct of having an older brother, I think.
  • We have planted many things for the summer, but have yet to get them in the ground. They have outgrown their seed trays, and are not happy about it.
  • We planted an apple tree in the back yard. It grows 5 different varieties of apples.
  • Troy is asleep on the sofa. His mouth is hanging open, and it's making him have obnoxious cartoonish breathing.
  • In fact, everyone in the house is resting. Except me. I'm blogging.
  • I am on-call for my first clients since I was pg w/Kiera. I'm anxious, but excited-she's "overdue" and could call any time.
  • The school year is almost over which is wierd because I feel like I'm just getting into the swing of it.
  • I made ridiculously good brownies and can't stop eating them.
  • My parents have, in the last month, acquired 6 goats and a hive of bees.
  • Garrett has taken to reading Morgan stories in the evening. I can't watch, because it's so sweet I'll start to cry.
  • I am always humbled by the kindess and generosity of the people we know. I do not always feel I deserve it, often can't repay it, and am anxious for the day when my own time is less full and I can turn to someone else who's hands are always full of projects and young children, occupy said children for awhile and give HER flowers and candy.
  • My K-1 math class hosted a lemonade stand at school-they planned it, prepped it, squeezed the lemons (I mixed it), sold it, made change (whether it was needed or not), and earned $60-they overshot their goal by more than double. They were raising money for prizes for the games they would host at the Gratitude Gala for school (last Fri), which were a huge success. They wanted everyone to earn a prize no matter what. I am very proud of them.
  • There has been roadwork outside our house for the last week. They ripped a huge ditch alllll the way up the hill. They knocked on our door every morning at 7:30 to tell me to move my car before they completely blocked our driveway and house. They were noisy. They made our house shake and the things on our shelves rattle. I was proactive one night and moved the car ahead of time. The next day, they didn't block our driveway. They blocked the alley where I'd left our car.

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