Friday, September 10, 2010

Random things....

  • I have been putting off a new blog post for so long, I don't even know where to begin.
  • Summer ended Monday. Just ended.
  • Kiera started walking in July. She just decided one day that she didn't need to crawl anymore, so she didn't.
  • Kiera started standing on the coffee table last week. She thinks it's terribley hilarious and laughs like a cheeky little monkey when I catch her at it. I often come into the room to find Garrett and Morgan engaged in table activities, with her sitting in the middle of them-on the table.
  • We managed to go camping twice this summer. THAT my friends, is a record.
  • Garrett and I did not get our playhouse built. That makes me sad.
  • Morgan has a bright future in musical theater-whilst camping last weekend, the musical theater teacher from our HOME program (who hosted the campout) observed her, during a game of charades, announce "OK, now, is everyone looking at me??" Mrs. B can't wait for her to be old enough to join her class.
  • We went on many adventures this summer-but alas, none of them included bike riding. I haven't lost hope.
  • Speaking of bike riding, Garrett can now ride a bike. He saw some friends doing it, decided he wanted to, and did. As far as I know he's never had a fall. He astounds me.
  • Speaking of Garrett astounding me, he also learned how to swim-using the same tactic. He could be a spokeskid for Nike-Just Do It
  • Troy got to ride Shotgun on the Wells Fargo stagecoach in the Mercer Island parade this year. Last year he had to ride inside. Being up on top again made him very happy.
  • School starts Monday. I am teaching 4 different subjects, and am not quite sure how that happened or what I've gotten myself into.
  • My first sibling birth (meaning second baby with same clients) will be happening in the next couple of weeks, and I am so excited-I love that they enjoyed me enough to use me again, and that I already have such a bond with them. And she just texted me with a good progress report from her doc, so maybe sooner rather than later (but don't tell her I said that ;)!
  • My sister went to Disneyland last weekend and had an awesome time--now I can't stop thinking about going.
  • My yard is so nitrogen rich that I have the most beautiful looking veggie plants in the neighborhood-but they don't produce any veggies. I suppose we'll have to bite the bullet next year and build raised beds.
  • Garrett has decided to be a wizard. He's going to be Harry Potter for Halloween. He has a wand and everything. He goes around the house casting spells, and then asking me why I think they aren't working. He has determined that, due to a small crack in the tip of his wand, that the dragon heart string inside is bent and thus cannot conduct magic properly. He believes that when we fix it, his spells will be successful. I do NOT want to fix it.
  • Hot peppermint tea reduces fevers. Cold peppermint tea does not, but is a diuretic. Go figure.
  • I want to be in a flash mob. A really good one.
  • Troy and I are going to take a trapeze class. I CAN NOT WAIT.
  • I have been taking hot yoga. I had to stop after injuring my foot. Tonight I will go again for the first time in two weeks. I did not think it humanly possible to produce THAT MUCH perspiration without turning into a giant prune. Which reminds me, I should drink some water.
  • Kiera can say done, cat, Bumble (one of our cats), mama, boom-boom (to nurse), mum-mum (to eat), no (all the time), Ga (Garrett), and runs to the kitchen when she hears the garage door, where she bounces and giggles until Troy comes in the back door. Unless he takes too long, then she wanders off and ignores him. She will also hold out her hand, say "aaannnd" very slowly and quietly, and expect me to give her whatever I happen to have. She gets this from me asking her to "put it in my hand."

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