Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Busy days and butterfly parties.

This week is going by in a haze as we try to organize the house and get ready to make room for baby while also preparing for Morgan's 3rd bday this weekend AND trying to start a remodeling project upstairs in anticipation of G and M moving into a bedroom up there in a few months). I should mention that Troy took the week off, so I am not attempting all these endeavors on my own. Life, however, always seems to wiggle its way in front of plans, and we haven't made much project on our list items--but have managed to meander through Costco, buy a new computer (yay!), go to the zoo, hang out with our midwife, attend a PALS Doulas board meeting (me), go to a birthday party, and replace our damaged futon mattress. Oh, and Troy did all the laundry. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day we get on-task. Isn't that when most goals are achieved? Tomorrow?
Regardless of what we accomplish, I'm happy to have this time with my family before things are forever enhanced by our new addition. Speaking of whom, I will be 26 wks pregnant tomorrow, which officially puts me in the 3rd trimester. While that sounds amazing and makes birth seem imminent, we must remember the June is still 3 months away--and hope fervently that 3 months is enough time to be ready, to absorb how we are and how we will be different. It won't be, it never is, we will feel as though it has gone by too fast, that we aren't ready, and then the baby will be a part of us and all the frantic preparation will be forgotten. In terms of the baby right now, yesterday's appt was wonderful and all is going swimmingly. Just Garrett and I went, so that he could discuss with Val his role in the birth. The two of them decided that he would help Troy cut the cord and could also help bring the baby out of the water (should we make it into the birth tub) if he so chooses at the time. He is very into this whole experience and I know he will want to stay close to me throughout the birth, so I was glad he had this opportunity to have his own meeting with Val. He loves our appointments anyway-they taught him how to use the blood pressure cuff (he took his blood pressure 3 times), he has full reign over the measuring tape, and yesterday Val let him explore the armoire and closets full of linens and medical equipment(if you are interested in seeing photos of our birth center or learning more about midwifery, visit www.birthcenter.com . We have our appt's in the birth suites-I spent yesterday's laying on the bed in suite 3 while Val kicked back in a comfy chair). He is also always in charge of turning the Doppler on and off when we are listening to the baby's heartbeat. If you ask him what a placenta is, he will give a surprisingly detailed description of its form and function (which I don't recall discussing with him in that much detail, but he never forgets anything). Perhaps we see a future in birth services? Hmmmmm......
Morgan is more concerned with her upcoming butterfly party, which she got to pick out decorations for today. She was certainly in her element with an armload of goodies within 5 minutes of entering the party store today. It should be quite an event, made all the more merry by both sets of grandparents being in attendance. Which means we also have to ready the house for out-of-toners--yeesh!! I'm sleeping all next week.
At least it isn't snowing today!!

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