Wednesday, May 13, 2009

35 weeks

So we appear to be in the home stretch. Do not ask us if we're ready for the baby-we don't like thinking about all we have left to do! In actuality, we are more than ready for the baby. We can lay in bed snuggling a newborn just about anytime. The appropriate questions would look something more like this: Is the house ready for another resident? Are the baby clothes ready? Is the baby's bed ready? Are the baby's DIAPERS ready (kind of an important one)? Is there a car seat/stroller/diaper bag ready? Are the homebirth supplies ready? Is the birth tub ready? Is the "in case of hospital transfer" luggage ready?
But hey, we, personally, ourselves, are more than ready! So bring it on!
Other than the little mini freak outs I'm having over not being able to prepare everything RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND, we're doing OK, actually. We still have tons of work to do upstairs, but are trying not to let it get to us (hear that Troy, WE are TRYING NOT to let it GET TO US) and are mainly concentrating on getting the house organized so that things are easy-peesy-pie when labor starts. That's the only drawback I'm feeling about homebirth right now-if you birth elsewhere, you don't have to worry so much about the house being put together. The yard is an unruly mess, but I'm just going with it-it will get set to rights eventually. I will have Troy hit it with the weed-whacker this weekend, though, just so we can see the kids when they're out there ;). And the kids and I will get all our veggies seeds started, as that's a task I can do sitting down. If I can get Troy to haul in the sack of organic soil we bought two weeks ago-that is NOT a task I can do sitting down.
And while, according to all the info out there (and popular opinion), the baby should by this point be too big to have much room to move, this little booger seems to be a rebel and is attempting to MAKE more room-esp at night as I'm trying to sleep. My lurching belly can actually shift my pillows away from me. I have discovered, though, that putting the headphones to my new Ipod in my pants (right now it's playing Jewel's new Lullaby album) seems to have a settling effect on this otherwise very feisty little being. This is also useful in encouraging a mispositioned or breech baby into a good head-down position (FYI). Feels a little weird to have wires coming out of my waistband, though. I'll post again with some current pictures of me-maybe I'll let Garrett take them. He is very creative with camera angles.

1 comment:

Maren said...

I love your thought process here. I'm sure, no matter what happens, you'll be ready for baby number 3, and if all it needs is love, you're more than good to go on that one. (It is an it still right? Or did I miss where you may have found out what you're having? I think you're the "we like to be surprised" type) :)

You're so on the home-strech! Yay Netty! Oh, and totally get little G-man to take pics. I like it when kids take pictures.