Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Baby update

At yesterday's midwife visit all was well-my pee tested great (always good to know, right?), I'm 150 lbs (which seems gigantic to me, but they always say my weight gain is "just right"), my uterus measured 34 cm (which is just right), and the baby was head down with a heart rate in the 130's. So all is just as it should be, in other words. The kids were great, Morgan helping with the stethoscope on my belly (she was using the wrong end, but whatever), and we always love seeing Val, whom we have more of a bond with as she was the midwife that attended Morgan's birth. That's something I'm conflicted with this time around-I don't know who I want at the birth (of the three midwives). Not that I choose, the two primary midwives (Val and Ali) rotate being on call evey other week and the third, Sunita, provides backu for them should they have births that overlap. Since we got Val last time, I feel like this time I want Ali-but since we HAVE already experienced birth with Val and forged that bond, I definitely would be thrilled to have her. I think the only thing that would disappoint me might be having Sunita, which make me feel aweful because she's a really neat lady and I like her--but she's new and I have a longer relationship with the other two. All three have worked with our doula (several times, they were very excited that we had hired this particular doula, which makes me feel even better about our choice). I've even toyed with the idea of asking both Val and Ali to come, but they are both so over-stretched right now that wouldn't be very fair to them (maybe they'll decide to do it on their own just because they love me so much!).
Speaking of our doula, she's awesome-very energetic and enthusiatic while also being grounded and calm. She is very experienced without being way older than me, as I didn't want to replace my mother with another-she will feel more like a sister. She's very good at seeing what we need emotionally and guiding us into finding how to get there. I'm so excited to have the experience of birthing with a doula-not just for myself, but for my family members as well. They don't know it yet, but they are going to love having her there.
As an aside, I am sad that my sister has had to abandon the idea of being here for the birth (along with my neice, whom I was really excited to have with me), but there is still a possibility that my father will be able to make it, which will be very special. He is almost a doula himself, having attended the births of all 5 of his children and 2 of his grandchildren--this would be the first time he would be with me for the birth of one of my children. I have to bite my cheek about it though, because if he isn't able to make it he will be staying home to work, which in these dicey times is what is best for he and my mom. Therein lies my only beef with natural childbirth-our loved ones have no way of knowing when to be here, aside from doing what my mom does and coming for several weeks. But then, the anticipation and joy of realizing your baby is finally ready to be born is amazing and I wouldn't trade that for a planned birthday in a million years.

1 comment:

Maren said...

I love how ready you are for this baby. No need to stress over which midwife you'll get, they all sound fabulous, and you can always create new bonds if you don't get to strengthen old ones.

I hope your dad makes it to the birth! That'd be pretty cool to say he's seen all 3 of your kids born! What a great grandpa he is!

Good Luck Netty! :)