Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Week One-where did it go?

Kiera and Morgan, Day 2

Just a quick update. We're doing great as of today. The first few days were hard in that I was very tired and soar, moreso than when the others were born, but with Troy and both my parents here I didn't have to do anything, so that was awesome. By day 5 I was feeling MUCH more normal and mobile. Kiera is wonderful, so sweet and tiny, and aside from deciding last night that she needs to eat CONSTANTLY she's very cooperative and easy to manage. She has a lusty voice when she's uncomfortable, but other than that she's very peaceful. The older two are loving her like crazy, always wanting to hold her and give her her binky. They've each had their meltdown moments in response to the high energy levels and such, but as everything has evened out, so have they. We're enjoying the second week of Troy's time off, and will hopefully be able to spend the next few days having picnics and just being a family (though I expect Troy to get a bit antsy about wanting to work on "projects"-though so far he hasn't been too bad ;) ). This afternoon we will be getting Kiera's first pictures taken, which is always fun. Especially since we need to do the other two, also.
Just being sweet.

In her hat Christie made, Day 4

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