Thursday, January 22, 2009

Better late than never?

A few pics of our Disneyland trip last October--Morgan loved Minnie in her witch costume so much I had to buy her the doll that matched. She still takes it with her everywhere.

This was one of those Disneyland moments--Garrett and my nephew William (on his 6th attempt) were both selected for Jedi Training for the first time. Garrett spent most of the time trying to get his light saber to open and close properly but still managed to pull it out when he was the first to face Darth Vader ("Good work youngling, you didn't volunteer, but you're going first anyway!" --Jedi Master).
Mom and I were able to take my kids and my sister's two oldest (she had a test that night so they joined us the next day) to Mickey's Halloween Treat, which we've done once before-this time was noticeably more crowded, but we still had a great time (despite the unexpected horrific LA traffic that made us two hours late). It was totally worth all the work I put in on our costumes--Morgan was the belle of the ball. We were so excited to run into this particular villain right away (well, I was--Morgan not so much)
M has the Cheshire cat riding on her back--the scarecrow yelled out, "Oh MY! What have you done to the poor Cheshire cat?!?! You've stuffed him and turned him into a backpack!!"
It was so fun, I've always wanted to go to D-Land dressed as Alice, and this is the only time they allow adults to don costumes. I did not make G's costume, he picked it out-but we did find those kickin' inflatable wings at a party store, which were WAY more cool than the ones it came with. He had the widest wingspan of any Buzz Lightyear there (and there were MANY).

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