Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The end of a pregnancy always brings an array of emotions--sadness that it's almost over, anticipation of meeting the child that's been pummeling my innards, anxiety and excitement over the unknowns of the upcoming birth...I could go on, but you get the idea. This time I'm having harder time just being excited as I know that this will be our last and I'll never feel a baby growing inside me again. To some women this is a relief, knowing that portion of their work is done--but I face it with dismay. I will do my utmost to perserve the memories of this and my other pregnancies, but it isn't the same. The end of a chapter, so to speak. But enough belly-aching (pun intended) about leaving this part of my life behind. There are things to be joyful about, and thankful for, in the present and future.
On Monday my midwives declared that they have no idea what happened to me, and that never in (Ali's) career has she seen bloodwork do what mine did. Everything has stabilized, and my bloodpressure is great-even low, in comparison to other women at full term. The baby is VERY low in my pelvis, which makes for some interesting sensations when the little one gets REALLY excited, and after requesting an exam (my midwives do not do vaginal exams prior to labor unless mom wants it), she confirmed what I'd already suspected-basically we're ready to rip, and cold go at any time--or be pregnant for several more days. We'll see what baby decides.
Yesterday my dad arrived, so all are now assembled and (astonishingly) the house is clean, orderly, and all the birth supplies are in the appropriate places. So now we really are just waiting. The kids are beyond excited as baby items begin to emerge (they each had to take turns "sleeping" in the cradle), and Garrett couldn't settle down to sleep last night until I promised him we would wake him should the baby come during the night. I am happy to take the days we have and enjoy the company of my family-after days of restricting my activity to keep from delivering before Dad arrived, I am looking forward to a lovely long walk in the park and (strangely enough) doing the laundry myself. Troy is very anxious, moreso than with the other two I think, and looking forward to the possibility of "getting the call" at work-which hasn't happened before.
Regardless of what transpires, the next week promises to be an exciting one.

1 comment:

Maren said...

I'm so incredibly excited for you! I love the play-by-play, and the fact that the house is clean during this time astounds me as well. I'm glad your dad got there too. Keep us posted! We're all awaiting the arrival of your last (boo!) baby Fox!