Friday, August 15, 2008

And by the way, Welcome

So I've been meaning to do this forever, and well I'm just a busy important person with many influential and meaningful things demanding my time. That and it's summer and I'd much rather play outside, thank you.
My hope is to post here frequently, my reality is I'll do it when I think of it. So if you can remember to pop in once or twice a month, you should be good.
Currently we are taking a break from our usual load of projects, and trying to enjoy the last few weeks of summer. We may even dust of the bicycles this weekend if we're feeling extra-wacky. We made good progress on our back-yard modifications (for those who don' t know, when we bought our house our backyard was naught but a very old deck, a fantastically diverse assortment of weeds and grasses, and a hill covered in blackberry and ivy. As we began to cut things back, we discovered a few things-one, that our yard was bigger than we'd thought, two-that blackberries REALLY hurt, and three, that at some point in our home's 90 yr history, someone lovingly and laboriously created a beautiful terraced landscape, complete with many lovely flowering bushes and trees, a Japanese maple, holly, magnolia, and hawthorn trees, all connected by wandering stone borders and two sets of stone steps leading to the top of our little hillside. The past three summers has been like unwrapping a Christmas gift, our very own Secret Garden), extending the stone border to wrap around the integrated sandbox under the magnolia tree, rebuilding the deck (thanks again, Kevin, our framing guru!), digging out and leveling for the small stone patio between the deck and sandbox (yet to be laid), and planting a garden actually in the ground (we'll get around to building the raised beds eventually). Wow, when I write it all out it sounds rather amazing-to us it still looks awfully messy. Keep in mind that all of this is contained in a relatively small yard with not much room to work-it's been an adventure!
And as today is predicted to break records in the temperature category, my computer is upstairs in the hottest part of the house, and the kiddies are chomping at the bit to get into the pool (we finally set it up yesterday), I leave you with this charming dialogue (as we're walking to get dinner last night, along a busy street):
G: Mommy, why are there so many cars?
M: Because there are so many people.
G: No, why are there so many cars?
M: Because it's rush hour and all the people are going home at the same time.
G: NO! WHY are there so MANY CARS??
M: Honey, I'm not sure what you're asking me-there are a lot of cars for people to buy, and lots of people buy them and drive them.
G: NO! You're supposed to say "because they make a lot of cars!"

Well, then, why did you ask??

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