Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Troy's input and Morgan's idea

Troy really felt I should put this particular interaction betwixt Morgan and I here:

(Scene: in that bathroom, Morgan has announced she needs to go potty but is refusing to do it herself as is the norm)

M: Can't get my seat! (her padded potty seat insert, goes on the regular toilet)
S: Yes you can, it's right there.
M: No, I can't get it!
S: Honey, just reach down and get it.
M: No I can't! Daddy say me no!

Troy has no recollection of ever telling her she couldn't get her seat herself, and really appreciates it when the kids blame him for not doing things I tell them to do. Early in the morning, she had announced (after donning a coat and shoes over her pajamas):
"Come on guys! Follow me! I got an idea!" Keep in mind she's two and a half and often sounds as though she's speaking with food in her mouth-this however, came out loud and clear. What else was I to do? I followed her. She led me to the hall closet, which she opened and announced she needed her hat. I presented her with her pink floppy hat, which she insisted wasn't hers (she wears it all the time) and continued to search for a more suitable selection. Unfortunately this disrtacted her from her original quest and I was never to find out what her "idea" was.

She has also appointed herself the household personal trainer-we recently aquired a Wii Fit, and have been using it almost nightly (for those not in the "know" it's a video-game based work-out system, you stand on a small board that measures your stance and balance for a variety of games that work on balance and posture, strength training, aerobics, and yoga). Her favorit game is the ski jump, wherein you must bend your knees while leaning forward togain speed, and then straigten your legs at just the right time to make your character jump, then hold your balance steady to make the jump good. She has succesfully managed to do this one out of about 15 tries-usually she just refuses to stand up. So now when we're playing, regardless of the game, she will come running, position herself next to you, and announce, "Ok, BEN(D) YOUR KNEES! Ben(d) you knees, mommy! Like dis! (demonstrating perfect position, which she doesn't assume when she's actually playing)." I can't tell you how helpful and motivating this is when I am, say, trying to stand perfectly still in a one-legged yoga stance. Especially when she will then come behind me and push me knees forward, once again asserting the importance of "ben your knees!"
Physical fitness is very important to her.

1 comment:

Maren said...

That is adorable :) Too bad you didn't get to figure out where her quest would have taken you. I'm still curious! :)